Thursday 5 January 2012

Potty rock star!

Potty Training Update!

So at home Tegan is doing perfect. All pees in the potty no accidents in days. We’ve got her in panties and pants although that is struggle because she would prefer to be nude.  We have learned not to give her her 3 Smarties until she has her pants back on...bribery is fantastic!  Tuesday she started back at daycare and in the morning did great! 1 accident because the potty was in use but other than that all was going well. In the afternoon though there was an incident apparently she was sitting being held up by the daycare provider who was also carrying her 5 month old baby. Tegan ended up slipping into the toilet a bit and now refuses to go near the daycare toilet. She just repeats “Shawna drop me, I fall, no potty at Shawna’s.”  The daycare provider tried buying T her own special toilet ring, we have offered to let her bring her Dora one from home, I have tried bribing her with Candy Canes (she loves these) but she just insists no she is not going potty there. So for now we are not pushing it and hoping she changes her mind soon.

Our lives now revolve around us jumping to take T’s pants off every time she shouts “I have to go pee!” She still needs help getting her pants/panties off as she insists they all come all the way off. But its a small price to pay for no diapers!! I was grocery shopping the other night and Tegan was in a pull-up and she announced that she “need to go baf-room.” I told her she had a pull-up on she could just go (I know...bad mommy). But she shouted no she wanted to go to the bathroom. So I park the cart and take off with Tegan to the washroom at the other end of the store. Meanwhile she is shouting loudly “Hey guy I go baf-room, hey everybody I go pee.” I get her into the stall and undressed and she refuses to sit on the toilet because it doesn’t have her toilet ring in it. So I get her dressed and tell her we’ll be home soon. Pick out a couple more things, pay and drive home. She runs in the house to pee and her pull-up was still dry. So impressed she was able to hold it that long!!

So all in all pretty good so far! Hopefully she changes her mind about the daycare potty soon!

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