Saturday 18 February 2012

Doing Awesome

Potty training is going great. After my last post T decided all toilets were ok...even the dreaded daycare one where she fell in! She lets me know if she has to pee whenever we are out and we've had no accidents while out and about. I bring her Diego ring with me wherever we go...not sure when she will good to go on just the toilet seat. Every once in a while at home (maybe once every 3-4 days) she has an accident...just too busy playing but its no big deal. The last time she peed in pants she exclaimed loudly "Oh...Tegan!" I havent tested her on any long drives...not sure if she will remember in the car to let us know she has to pee. So now we are down to a pull-up during nap time and a diaper for bed. It's great! I think she's done really well for her age.

Friday 10 February 2012

New Breakthrough!

We had a breakthrough today! We've been stalled for the last couple of weeks with Tegan being pretty much 100% at the house and daycare (and any house we could bring her pink potty too), but she would refuse to use any toilet other than the one at home. Always with the "I fall in." Well I decided to go with what has worked best so far...bribery. The last time I took her out to the mall I told her she would get a big treat if she used the toilet in the mall. Since usually once she gets over the newness of something she is fine with it. So last time we were out I brought a candy cane and told her she could have the whole thing if she used the toilet at the mall, since at home she gets about a 1/4 of a candy cane now for a poop (nothing for pees). She seemed pumped and we went into the stall and she eyed up the toilet and the candy cane and shook her head no...not happening...not today.

Well this morning I didnt put her in a pull-up when we went out. We talked about how she was wearing undies and she was pleased to have "no diaper!" At the mall I was promising everything...a balloon, a candy-cane, gumballs, anything she ran up to in the mall and said she wanted I said she could have if she peed in the toilet at the mall. I honestly didnt think it was going to happen because she has been so stubborn and I'm thankful I didnt promise her a pony because she remembers EVERYTHING! I assumed she would pee in her pants as she has the last couple times I tried diaper-less while we were out and about.

 So we were playing with some other kids for about half an hour and I could see her start to dance around. So I asked her if she needed to pee...of course she said no. So I told her I was going to pee, did she want to come and she said yes (as if she had a choice!). After I went I pulled out her Diego toilet ring and put it on the toilet. I didnt make a big fuss and just pretended to be busy washing my hands while she inspected the situation. Then she announced "my turn!" I speedily got her pants down and plunked her on the toilet before she had a chance to change her mind. She peed...we clapped, life is good. Afterwards she announced loudly in the food court "I did a little pee, the poo no come out." Then she demanded her balloon, candy-cane, gumball and every other thing I had possibly offered her in the half hour previous! We settled on the balloon and a kinder surprise. She was so pleased with herself and with her loot!

*edited to add that went to the park and T told me she had to pee and she used her potty ring on the outhouse there...woohoo!!!