Sunday 8 January 2012

Hooray poops!

Well the weekend has been great. Tegan had one accident and peed on the couch but other than that she is all about the potty. We dont really ask her that much any more because she just knows to go. I put her in a dress yesterday with no panties and it was so nice cause she could just pee without us have to run and take her pants down. So she would just go and do her business when needed.

We went to the store today to do some shopping. I had been talking with Tegan about her picking out her own toilet ring that she could bring to daycare so she wouldnt fall in. She seemed pumped about this idea so off we went. I stopped in the underwear section to see about getting her some new panties she liked. They had a bunch of Dora ones that I thought she would jump all over but instead she saw the boys versions that had Diego on them. She was desperate for the Diego pairs and couldn't understand that they were boys underwear and were made differently. She settled on a 6 pack that had cats on them.

We headed over to the potty section to look at toilet rings. Lucky us they had a Diego one! She was very pleased with this and we talked about how this was to go to daycare with her so she didnt fall in. So far she is saying that she will use the potty at daycare now so I'm crossing my fingers this works! We also picked up a collapsible portable potty ring to use when on the go. Her options were princesses, cars or Sesame Street. She chose cars and was so excited she had to hold both her new potty rings all the way home.

I was trying to figure out how to get Tegan to go poo on the potty. Usually she waits until her pull-up is on and goes during nap time. Well I decided to still with what has been working best...bribery! Tegan LOVES candy-canes. So last night I put a big candy-cane on top of the medicine cabinet where she could see it but not reach it. I told her that candy was for her first poo in the potty. Every time she peed she asked for it but we reiterated it was just for a poo. This afternoon she came out of the bathroom and told us she went poo and she had! and in the toilet too...woohoo...I'd hate to have to clean that out of a potty!! So we celebrated and gave her the big cane and she ate the entire thing turning into a big sticky mess in the process. It was nap time after that and she told us she wanted to wear her panties and not a pull-up...and we wouldnt let Actually we compromised and put her panties on over her pull-up. She still takes very long naps, always wakes up wet and we dont have a rubber mattress cover yet. We'll get there.

So life in potty land is going pretty smoothly. Next up I need to get brave enough to start taking her out without a pull-up on!

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